Tuesday, December 11, 2007


I copied this idea from To Know Him. Maybe you'd like to do it on your blog too! Share your Christmas ornaments and the special stories behind them.

Here are some ornaments on our tree.
The first one is the snowman family. My Mom made us one our first Christmas that we found out we were pregnant (2002). You'll notice that this one has two baby snowmen on it. One with a pair of footprints and one with a hat. The one with the hat is for Caleb, the other one is for our first baby that we lost in January 2003. She makes one for us each year. This year JMP put them around the top area of the tree in a circle. It brought tears to my eyes when I saw them all together.

I have a ton of metal ones similar to this one. Growing up my grandmother would give me one each year with my name engraved on it.

My Mom always made apples for my classes starting in Kindergarten. Caleb thought it was funny to open a box full of apples! I don't put all of them on my tree. Usually I pick a couple to use.

This one is the ornament we gave to everyone for Caleb's first Christmas. I love comparing his hand prints each year to how tiny it was at his first Christmas.

This one is the ornament Caleb made last year. It is purple you can see, which he did for my favorite color. He made one for himself and another blue one for Daddy.

I made this one for our first Christmas when we started dating in 1999.

Let me know if you put pictures on your blog and I'll come see your special ornaments.
"Always new. Always exciting. Always full of promise. The mornings of our lives, each a personal daily miracle." Gloria Gaither


Kathy said...

That first one is so amazing. That was so thoughtful of her to include the baby you lost on that ornament. We never forget those precious ones, do we?

Toknowhim said...

I loved your ornaments and the stories behind them... It's like you can remember your whole life when you look at your tree. Come back and visit anytime... Stop by Friday if you would like to participate in "Know & Tell Friday". Blessings...