Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Christmas parade

We went to the local Christmas parade last night. We've been to it a couple other times. It's a nice parade, and the lighted floats are always nice. We got there early enough to have a good parking spot and get a good seat. Caleb waited patiently for the parade to begin. He was bundled up with his coat, hat, and gloves. The police officers on motorcycles were going up and down the street before it started so he loved watching them go by. He leaned against the light pole and would tell us what was coming as each thing appeared down the road. I think he waved at just about everyone passing! He'd holler MERRY CHRISTMAS to them as they were shouting it out of their floats. He really liked all the different fire engines. He saw a flag and told us we better stand up. A couple times I would glance at JMP and see the older lady next to him grinning and watching Caleb. She said he sure is enjoying himself! I told Caleb it made me happy that he enjoyed the parade so much and shared his joy with others, making them smile too!

"May God who gives patience, steadiness, and encouragement help you to live in complete harmony with each other." Romans 15:5 (TLB)

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Caleb sounds like such a cutie!