Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Recipe: Slow cooker BBQ Chicken and Corn on the Cob

I checked out this book from the library because I wanted to try out some different things with the slow cooker. I found some recipes I want to try, and we had the first one for supper last night.

2 lbs. boneless, skinless chicken breasts
1 (16-18 oz.) bottle BBQ sauce
1 (6 mini ears) pkg. frozen corn on the cob

Spray the slow cooker. Place chicken breasts in the cooker. Pour BBQ sauce over the chicken. Put all mini ears in foil and wrap to seal. Place foil-wrapped ears on top of BBQ chicken. Cover and cook on low 7-8 hours.

It was delicious. I would never have experimented with this on my own....I like to follow recipes. I liked smelling it all day and having it ready when JMP got home.

(You should try this Chel if you have a slow cooker!)
"Worship the Lord your God and only the Lord your God. Serve Him with absolute single-heartedness." Luke 4:8 MSG

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