Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving on this Thankful Thursday

I made a long thankful list earlier this week when Caleb made his. I'll share it today for my Thankful Thursday. I can't even remember where I first saw a blogger doing Thankful Thursday, but it has been a blessing to participate the past couple of months.
I am thankful for......
*God giving His Son for me.
*my husband who cherishes me.
*my sweet son who makes me smile.
*family that supports me.
*friends who encourage me.
*living in this great country and the freedoms we enjoy.
*books and libraries to enrich my mind.
*music to soothe me.
*answered prayers.
*God's Word and the joy of reading and learning.
*two working vehicles.
*beautiful scenes of God's creation like sunsets, rainbows, and lightning storms.
*my health.
*senses to enjoy the world around me.
*memories of loved ones.
*technology and how it helps make life easier.
I wish you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving. You can read more thankful posts this week by visiting Laurel.
"Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good." Psalm 107:1


Andrea said...

Great list...and Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family too! ;)

Lisa B @ simply His said...

Your list has given me more things to be thankful for :) Thanks for sharing!

Happy Thanksgiving!
Lisa B.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing this great list. Memories of loved ones, answered prayers, friends, family...I just love everything on your list. They really echo what's in my heart too.