Saturday, November 24, 2007

Crossing things off the to do list

It feels nice to accomplish several things and that is how I'm feeling. I'm pleased with the progress I've made on a couple projects I brought along with me on the trip. I've worked on cropping pictures for Caleb's scrapbook. I am a year behind on the pages. I brought pictures from Nov. 2006--Feb. 2007. They are cropped and ready to go in the book now! I know it will go so much faster to have this step already complete. I've also worked on a Christmas calendar project. Now I just need to add the pictures to it. I've had lots of reading time as well and worked on an embroidery project that I brought along. I saw it in the closet and thought I should get it out and work on it again.

I keep thinking of things I will be working on in the coming weeks in preparation for Christmas. I love this time of year and all the fun activities that go along with it. It makes me sad for people to dread this time of year as many do. I think too often we get bogged down in doing all these "things" that we hurry too much and don't enjoy the work as we go. That's what I'm going to try to do this year....enjoy it and make lots of fun memories and traditions with Caleb along the way.

I received this quote today in an email and wanted to share it as my parting thought today. It goes along with what I read in a book. I've found it is way too easy to compare myself with others in many areas, and I liked this reminder today. I don't have to always be striving to be better than someone else. I need to be myself, use the talents I've been given, and always strive to do my best (not someone else's best).
"The most important person any player should work to be as good as is himself. Your own excellence, success and greatest pride comes from only one person--you. Your first responsibility is to Be the Best you can. There's nobody else like you, so why try to be like somebody else." Frank Robinson

1 comment:

Kathy said...

I had never heard this quote, but I really like it. I think have learned to do this through the years and there was such freedom in this realization.