Thursday, September 27, 2007

Thankful Thursday

It's time for my Thankful Thursday list. I really enjoy participating!

Today I'm thankful for...
*my boys taking care of me when I had a headache.

*the creative imagination of my little boy.

*free things we've gotten this week (pictures, ant spray, and paper).

*new recipes for supper (I'll have to post this another day).

*music and concerts.

Read other thankful posts if you'd like!
"I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth." Psalm 34:1

8 comments: said...

Thanks for visiting me!! You have a sweet list!! You are welcome to come by anytime!! Grams

Susanne said...

Oh yes!! I would love to see some "new recipes for supper". I get so bored with the "same old same old" you know??? Thanks for sharing your thankful heart with us today!

Denise said...

Such a nice thankful list, bless you.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it sweet when our kids take care of us...
Blessings on all of you.

In Light of the Truth... said...

Thankful Thursday is indeed such a great part of the week! Blessings on your day!

Patty said...

Great list!! Free things are just a delight. I enjoy and get excited when I get new recipes. Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

Today, I am thankful for my precious daughter!

Anonymous said...

It was a delight to read your Thankful list. The simple and wondeful details our God provides. Also the recipe at the top is one I am going to try. Thank you.

Great TT post.

Thank you for joining in and praising our King on this TT.
Love and hugs, Lynn