Sunday, August 12, 2007

To my wonderful son:

Happy 3rd birthday! I am so thankful for you and blessed to have you for my son. We have had a wonderful year together. You have grown so much and learned so many new things. When I was trying to write your letter of memories for you, it was hard to know where to start because of all the great things that have happened this year.

You love learning, which makes my "teacher heart" happy. :) We have done lessons together this year on many subjects--weather, apples, dental health, community helpers, letters, and nursery rhymes to name a few. It was funny to me when we were learning opposites how you would do LOUD and quiet for me with your voice. You can spell your name and know the ABC's. We're working our way through the alphabet to learn all the letter sounds. I have so much fun doing the lessons with you. I hope you always are excited about learning!

You know so many songs! You amaze me to hear you sing all of the songs and nursery rhymes we've learned. You know the Books of the Bible for the most part and will sing them sometimes. We've also memorized a bunch of memory verses this year. I love hearing you say "Children obey your parents." and then telling me what that means.

You are such a loving little boy. It melts my heart when you realize I have bumped my elbow or hit my head on a cabinet. You come and give me the sweetest hugs and then pray for me. Another thing I love is when you save your candy for us. Everytime you have gummy bears, Skittles, or M & M's, you save all the blues for Daddy, purples for Mommy, and oranges for Gramma. We've told you many times that you can have them,but you always give them to us. How many little boys will save out candy to give away instead of eating it themselves? Another sweet thing you do is when I'm sad or nervous you'll telll me in your sweet voice, "Belax Momma, belax."

It touches my heart to see me interact with your Daddy. Everyday when he comes home you're so excited to see the "big truck" pull up and you run to greet him with a "How's your day Dad?" The two of you know how to make delicious cinnamon rolls on Saturday mornings. You have such a wonderful Daddy, and I know he will continue to teach you things you need to know through the years.

When I think of the past year, several things stick out in my mind: being potty trained, your new big boy bed, baking with Mommy, going to the Fair, trips with Daddy to hotels, our vacation to San Antonio, going to the library, working at the food pantry, mailing packages at the post office, VBS, our fun arts and crafts projects, and watching your creativity and imagination with your building projects.

I am so blessed to be your Mommy and thankful for all of our days together. It is a true blessing to be able to stay home with you. I look forward to this coming year and all the new adventures we will have together.

I've had so much fun celebrating you this weekend and the wonderful gift you are to our family. Happy birthday sweet boy! I love you!
"I am fearfully and wonderfully made." Psalm 139:14

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