Thursday, August 23, 2007

Happy Birthday Peepaw

Today Peepaw would have been 78 years old. Wow, do I ever miss him! It always seems in the days and weeks leading up to a "remember" day like today that I notice more things related to Peepaw.....hundreds of white Dodge trucks, older men with a single tattoo in the middle of their arm, men wearing suspenders. Coming out of Walmart the other day I even noticed a man's shoes that reminded me of Peepaw! There are so many things I miss about him, and those are just more real in my heart on days like today.

I miss his calls. He always had a habit of calling at random times just to check on us. He'd talk about his animals and find out how we were doing. I remember in the last days of his life when my Mom gave me the number to call the nurse's station so they could go hand him the phone in his room so I could talk to him. I'm always glad I made that call.

I miss having him here to watch Caleb grow up. I know he would be so proud of him. It does make my heart happy that Caleb knows who Peepaw is and recognizes him in pictures.

I miss his voice. Sometimes I just need to hear it again. I love watching the videos of the day Caleb was born and other visits where I can hear his voice in the background.

I miss his hugs. I miss going to have ice cream with him. I miss his "words of wisdom." I miss his calls on our birthdays and holidays. I miss his pinkie wave.

I'm so thankful for my memories and cherish the times we had together.

Happy birthday, Peepaw. Thank you for the difference you made in my life. Thank you for the way you showed us all your constant love. You are missed by so many today and everyday.
Love, Your Sweetheart
"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer." Romans 12:12

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I'm glad Caleb recognizes him in pictures. I know that makes you happy. He sounds like he was a great PeePaw.