Thursday, July 19, 2007

Vacation Bible School

We've been going to VBS this week at our church. Yesterday was the last day. Caleb had a wonderful time! I knew he'd have fun because one of his teachers was one of his Wednesday night teachers that he just loves. I really saw how much our little boy is growing up though when I compared this year at VBS to last year.

Last year I had to be careful that he didn't see me. If he saw me he would want me. He was fine when he was with the group, but I tried to stay out of sight. This year he would come to me in the hall or on the playground and say Hi Momma, hug me and continue on his way.

Last year he wanted me to sit by him in the morning assembly singing time. This year I sat with my group, and he was totally fine with that!

A cute thing he did this year was particpate more in the songs. I had told him at breakfast one morning maybe they'd sing "Good Old Noah" where they ask for animals to take on the ark and asked what animal he would take. They did sing that song that morning and Caleb was chosen to pick an animal. He said turtle! The leader had to make up a motion to do with the turtles on the ark.

I am so proud of the big boy we have. He amazes me everyday with his sweet nature, caring ways, and new things he knows. I keep telling him he is still two, I can say that for a few more weeks. :)
VISION--When Helen Keller was asked, "What would be worse than being blind?" she responded, "Being able to see, but having no vision." - Helen Keller -

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