Sunday, July 22, 2007

High School Reunion Weekend and Repacking

We went to my 10 year high school reunion this weekend. We really enjoyed it, and it was nice to see old friends. When we graduated, my classmates asked me to be in charge of planning this thing so that is what I've been doing since the beginning of this year. I had a great group helping me with the planning, making contacts, and getting things together.

I have made a few observations while planning and attending the reunion. In the planning I learned to always have a back-up plan in place. Our lunch worked out perfectly at the middle school (see previous blog post!) but next time I plan something I will make sure I have a "just in case" back-up location. For the most part my classmates haven't changed much in the past 10 years. Some looked exactly the same, some had put on a few pounds or lost some hair. Their personalities were exaclty how I remembered them though. Something else I noticed was when we sat down to eat, everyone sat with the same "groups" they sat with in high school. It is nice to know I still have connections with my old school friends. It was a good feeling to be able to reconnect with some of them and share our lives, spouses, and children. After it was all over, it gave me a strange feeling to think that at our 20 year reunion we'll be 38 and Caleb will be a teenager! That is crazy!

We're repacking now to go to Dallas for a few days. I'll update sometime when we get back.

I hope you have a blessed week.
"If any of you lacks wisdom, ask God, who gives generously to all." James 1:5

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