Sunday, July 29, 2007

A Little Game....

My husband and I have a game we play. I can't remember when we started doing this, but it was sometime at the beginning of this year I think. I found a little, red stuffed heart that used to be attached to something (I can't remember what) somewhere when I was going through some old tubs of junk. I made up this little "game" for us to hide the heart for each other. Sometimes we find it within the day, other times weeks will go by with the heart still hidden. I've hidden it in sock drawers, shirt pockets, lunch sacks, the bottom of yogurt cups, and shoes to name a few. I've found it in the washing machine, under the loaf of bread, on the computer desk, and on a shelf in the cabinet of glasses. For some reason sometimes I'll see it several times throughout the day before it clicks that I've found the hidden heart. No matter when I find it though, it always makes me smile. It doesn't matter how I'm feeling at the time, I can't help but smile when the heart shows up. It's fun to me to find it and try to think up new places to hide it for JMP.


This was on my calendar today, I liked it: "It seems to me we can never give up longing and wishing while we are alive. There are certain things we feel to be beautiful and good, and we must hunger for them." George Eliot


Sarah said...

What a cute game! Sounds like fun.

In Light of the Truth... said...

It sounds a lot like THIS! So fun! How can I get my husband to do this too without him completely forgetting about it??