Thursday, January 16, 2025

Thankful Thursday

It's crazy that we are half way through this month already.  This week I am thankful for...

~ talking about our new house with my husband and our dreams together.

~ when my big boy stops by before his first day of paramedic school and eats a cinnamon roll (fresh made by his Dad), and I get to talk with him for a few minutes.

~ when my DIL asks me to check on their dog for them while they are gone all day.

~  playing basketball in the driveway with my little guy and laughing together.

~ getting to take a walk outside in the sunshine on a day that was chilly but not too cold.  

~ funny unexpected surprises in the mail from the mortgage company.

~  cooking supper with new recipes and eating together.

Have a day of blessings! 

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