Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Wednesday Hodgepodge

It's been a really long time since I've participated in the Hodgepodge...mostly because MAY and Senior Year!  I have time to jump in today.  Here are my answers....

1. Something you learned from your father? 
Several things come to mind.  One thing I learned was the value of daily Bible reading.  I saw him live this example and remember him telling us how important it is to be in the Word when he was my Sunday School teacher.

2. Do you like onions? Raw or cooked? How about onion rings? What's something you love to eat that calls for onions? They aren't my favorite, must have item but they are okay.  I will get them on burgers when we eat out sometime and then depending how many are on there I might pick off some of them if it's too many.  I like them raw on burgers.  Onion rings--I like them, I don't get them often but I do enjoy them.  When we have nachos at home I love to have onions on top.    

3. It's officially summer (in the Northern hemisphere)...your favorite and least favorite things about the season?  My favorite thing about summer is having the boys out of school and that we have a different schedule and all that includes....library trips, snow cones, sleeping late, trips, reading a lot...
My least favorite thing about summer is the heat.  It isn't enjoyable to be outside in the day time so I'm thankful I can be in for the most part and we have a/c.   

4. When you think about the summers of your childhood what are two or three things that come to mind? 

~ trips with my family....We went to Wet-n-Wild many times and some times we would meet my aunt and cousin.

~ bowling and snowcones with my cousin (different one than mentioned above).....She would stay with us while her Mom was at work.  When I started driving, we would go bowling because we got a pass for a free game every day of the summer in a packet from the school.  Then after we would get a snowcone.

~ camping at the state park.

5.  A hot mess, the heat of the moment, beat the heat, if you can't stand the heat, catch heat, in a dead heat...choose a 'hot 'phrase and tell us how it applies to your life right now.
Beat the heat.....We've talked a lot about the heat lately.  When we were in Alaska they told us it was a heatwave for them.  The temps were in the upper 60s/low 70s.  Very different from our Texas heat wave we are having now.  It was 106 before we left and has been in the upper 90s and 100s mostly.

So we are staying in where it's cool to "beat the heat."  Snow cones and ice cream are fun too!  

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

We went to Alaska at the beginning of June to celebrate Caleb's high school graduation.  It was a dream he'd had for many years.  We weren't sure it was going to happen but so thankful it did.  We had an amazing (3 of us got seasick though! so that made it memorable), kayaking, hiking, floating by glaciers, and more.  So many memories together and we all want to go back.

Have a day of blessings! 



ellen b. said...

A great lesson to learn from your dad! So important. Woohoo, yippee for your trip to Alaska! Happy summertime to you.

Astrid said...

Oh, your trip to Alaska sounds fab! I can totally understand their idea of a heatwave is different from your idea in Texas. Your memories of summers as a child sound great too. Are snowcones like ice cream cones but the ice cream part is softer? English is my second language and I'm trying to understand whether we have those here.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That is wonderful about the daily Bible reading. That's interesting about the onions. We do like them yet I have never put them on nachos. Enjoy your summer with the boys. Sounds like nice plans for the summer. Wow, a trip to Alaska. Sorry about being seasick. So glad you have wonderful memories.