Thursday, May 26, 2022

Thankful Thursday

I am late posting this (changing the date of the posting) but want to keep these memories of last week.  What a special week it was!

This week I am thankful for...
~ enjoying senior parent moments with my husband.  

~ seeing my son and his classmates smile so big as they visited the other campuses during their "senior walk."

~ my little guy's sweet messages from his teacher and classmates in a book the teacher gave him.  He also came home with a prize for being on the announcement team.

~ the change of weather...heat and rain. So thankful for the rain

~ the senior Sunday at our church.  It turned out so special and was a fun morning/lunch. Caleb's table turned out so good....he designed it and decided what to put on it and hang.

~ less busy evenings compared to the last week!  

Have a day of blessings!

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