Thursday, May 19, 2022

Thankful Thursday

I knew May would fly by!  One week until my boy graduates from high school.  

Join me in praying for rain for our area. 

Today I am thankful for...

~ laughing and talking with my husband amidst the busy days we are having. And how he comes to our boys' events.

~ being able to celebrate the year and my big boy's accomplishments at banquets this week.  We have three.  Tonight is FFA and I figured it would be the hardest one for me.  He was the FFA President this year and has his good bye speech to share. Also being able to see his last baseball game.  He had so much fun this year with his team.  Also we had fun watching him at field day.

~ seeing how proud my little guy is of his big brother.  He doesn't normally go to these school banquets with us but this year he is.  It's cute how he wants to take a picture with Caleb.

~ being inside in the coolness on these hot days.

~ our dog....I believe today is his birthday and he is 1 now.  It's been fun to have him!  I never was attached to a dog like I was my Bambi that was mine when I was a little girl.  But Samson has felt like a good fit for us all! 

Have a day of blessings!

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