Thursday, May 5, 2022

Thankful Thursday

I am glad I still keep up with my TT posts even though I don't have much else on my blog right now.  May is already going so fast for us.  

This week I am thankful for...
~ my husband's job.

~ being able to drop off lunch for my big boy.  We live close to the school.  I got teary today when I thought that I don't have very many days left to drop off lunch to him.
Also it was fun to see his excitement when he got his first graduation gifts in the mail this week!

~ hearing the questions and stories of my little guy.

~ being able to help at the monthly Wednesday meal at our church.  

~ supper in the freezer from my Mom.  We had that one night this week and have enough to use it for leftovers too.

~ flowers in my yard.  Did I already say that for a TT?  My roses are so pretty and I have had irises in bloom since Easter.

Have a day of blessings!

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