Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Wednesday Hodgepodge

I wanted to join in this week and had time to answer the questions!  Thanks for stopping by.  I've posted several reviews recently, be sure to check those out if you enjoy reading.

1. Where do you get your news these days? 
I will watch the local news and follow those on Facebook.  Some days I will click on national sites such as Fox or CNN.  I like to compare what they are saying and what stories they are highlighting.
I do like reading the newspaper and always did that growing up.  Ours is just weekly and about local stuff.  

2. It's National Crab you like crab meat? What makes you crabby? 

No I don't really like crab, I guess I've only had it a couple times at Red Lobster.  I might try it again some day. 

Not getting enough sleep makes me crabby.

3. Does freedom mean more choices? Have you ever felt there were too many choices? Elaborate. .

I think too many choices can make things more difficult.  Instead of making our lives easier, these choices can create divisions and separate people.  
Yes I have felt there are too many choices.  The grocery store is a good example....candy and cereal aisle specifically!

4. Barbara Millicent Roberts was introduced to the world on March 9, 1959...that's Barbie to most of us. Did you have Barbies as a kid, or did you let your own children play with Barbies? What well known Barbara (living or not) would you most like to meet? 

Yes I had TONS of Barbies.  I inherited so much from my aunt and Mom, I had an airplane that was theirs that I remember.  I had so much Barbie stuff like a McDonalds, horse, I think a beauty salon, and I remember how it fit in the end of my closet.  I had one aunt that made me Barbie clothes. I have boys, so no Barbies here now!

The first one that comes to mind that I'd like to meet would be Barbara Bush.   

5. What are three things you value most in another person? 

--genuine...I cannot stand people being fake and treating me one way in front of me and another way when I'm not there.
--listen....I notice many times people aren't really listening to me or letting me finish my thought and that bugs me.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 
Over the weekend it felt like spring and then it turned chilly again! There is a possibility of snow on Friday.  Titus has started baseball practice, it's been cold out there in the evenings!

Have a day of blessings! 


Joyce said...

We've had lovely springlike weather (although rainy today), but it's supposed to freeze on Saturday night. One of the reasons March is not my favorite month. Such a tease! If you're ever in the Baltimore/Annapolis area get the crab cakes. None compare : )

ellen b. said...

I loved watching our kids play sports. Soon I'll be able to watch our grands but until then I'll enjoy not freezing in the stands! :)
Happy Hodgepodge to you!

Kirstin said...

I enjoyed your answers. Glad you joined in. Our spring started wet but the last few days have been really chilly.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I'm sure you hear different stories between FOX and CNN. Yes, we are need our sleep but it isn't always easy. So true about those isles in the stores. Wow, that was quite a collection of Barbies you had. Those are three nice qualities.