Thursday, March 3, 2022

Thankful Thursday

It's been an interesting week!  It started with my birthday on Sunday.  And I've been home a couple days with my little guy who has strep throat.  

This week I am thankful for...

~ my husband surprising me with a new sewing machine for my birthday.

~ my big boy noticing a shirt I was wearing this week and commenting on it.  It says "Life is Better with my BOYS."  My aunt gave it to me. It was just sweet he noticed.  

~ being able to be home with my little guy while he has strep.  He told me he was sorry for messing up my plans.  I told him he didn't mess anything up and I was glad to be able to be home with him.

~ enjoying a nice birthday!  The cards in the mail were so fun.  The boys made me cards too.  We had lunch and cake at my Mom's and my aunt came as well.  

~ And also part of my birthday was a fundraiser I did to raise money for the backpack program at our school.  My goal was for 43 people to send $5 to buy pudding for the backpack.  I ended up with over 43 people giving and many gave more than $5 so I had over $400.  We went to Walmart and bought a basket full of pudding at two Walmarts and then my neighbor ordered the rest from Sams (she had free shipping).  I loved how everyone joined together and we raised so much to help our local children.

~ sunshine and warmer days.,
Have a day of blessings! 

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