Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. What are some memories you associate with spring? 

Many years we will take a picture of the boys sitting in the bluebonnets.  I actually haven't yet this year.  My neighbor has a big patch by her mailbox I get to see every day.  My other neighbor put out some seeds at the corner of our lots last year and a few of those have grown.   Bluebonnets are the state flower here in Texas, and I always love to see them popping up along our highways.

2. April showers bring May flowers...was that saying proven true where you live? Snapdragons, anemones, carnations, lilacs, sweet peas, tulips, lily of the valley, orchids, roses, gardenias...which one on that list is your favorite May bloom? 

We definitely have the "April showers" this morning here!  The flowers are beautiful here!  I love it when I see irises start to bloom around the neighborhood and in my own yard.  I have purple and yellow mixed together with a couple of lighter purples too.  Not the best picture but you get the idea.  

On that list of flowers tulips are my favorite.  I am also excited for my gladiolas to bloom.

3. What are your top three distractions and how do you deal with them? 

--Facebook.....I have Sundays and Wednesdays I set as no Facebook days.  I don't always follow it, but it helps me to have these two days set to not spend time on Facebook.  

--Pinterest.... Lately I have found so many wonderful ideas for quilting.  I like to find new recipes on their too.  I just browse for a while and then stop.  I don't have Pinterest app on my phone so only look at it on the laptop or iPad.

--earthly things.....I let myself get caught up or worried about things that really are of no consequence.  

Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.
Colossians 3:2

4. Do you eat beef? In the course of a week, how often is beef on the menu? A hamburger, steak, prime rib, or a roast beef dinner...which beef entrée would you choose and yes you have to choose. Unless you're a vegan, and then you may pass. 

Yes we eat beef regularly, more than once a week.   Last summer we bought half a side of beef and it has been wonderful to have in the freezer.  So fresh and very little fat. 

Roast beef dinner is my choice.  I have done the "Mississippi Pot Roast."  Look it up on Pinterest if you are not familiar with it, it is so good (and easy to make)!  

5. In what way were you creative during the month of April?

Quilting!  And I went to a "quilter's garden" and got lots of new ideas from all the amazing quilts on display.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 
Saturday is the school board election.  I have felt very excited about it.  This week I am beginning to feel more nervous.  I have no idea if I have a chance of winning or not.  I am praying for God's will to be done.  I would love to be able to serve our district in this way.  


songbird's crazy world said...

Good luck with the election

Tammy Enjoy Life said...

I love Pinterest and there are so many good ideas there. Good luck with the election.

Lea @ CiCis Corner said...

Oh,I pray you will win the election, sounds like a very good fit for you. And, quilting. I love quilts and so admire the work that goes into them. Have yourself a good rest of the week!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Bluebonnets are so pretty. I don't think I've ever seen them in person. Your flowers look beautiful. I get drawn into Facebook all day long yet it is still too full of political things. I love Pinterest too. I will go check out the Mississippi Pot Roast. I will be thinking about you and praying that you will be part of the school board.

Joyce said...

I love the idea of choosing a couple of days to have a phone break. My oldest daughter deleted the facebook and Instagram apps from her phone so if she wants to visit she has to log in. Makes you less inclined to mindlessly scroll. Good luck with the race!!

Susan said...

I go on Facebook mostly to access the crat group I am in and my Bible study group. Good luck on the election!

ellen b. said...

A roast beef dinner is comfort food for sure. Keep us posted on the results of the election. Good for you for stepping out!

Elizabeth "Libby" Day said...

It is so good to find a fellow Texas blogger on the Hodgepodge. We moved to Plano late this past December, so are newcomers. Evidently, we missed the bluebonnets and I am so sorry, but we did inherit a most gorgeous display of irises in our little flower bed. There must have been at least 9 varieties and some are still blooming. It has been fun to invest ourselves into this gardening space and especially reinventing the small beds around our home since the storm. We have been remiss in registering to vote but have kept up with the school board candidates in our area as our granddaughter teaches in the Frisco area. Praying for a victory for you.