Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. I feel like episode 400 cannot go without comment. That's a whole lot of Hodgepodging folks. 2000 questions if my math is right. So, what's something you feel like you do 400times a week? 

2. Tell us where you were and something about what your life looked like in the year 2000? In 2000 I was in college and in December 2000 my husband proposed to me.  We married 6 months later.  

3. Do you like cinnamon? What's something you make and enjoy that calls for cinnamon? Of the cinnamon 'foods' listed which is your favorite-red hot cinnamon candies, cinnamon toast, cinnamon rolls, cinnamon toast crunch cereal, apple cinnamon oatmeal, churros, an Indian curry? 

I do like cinnamon.  I cannot handle the strong smell of cinnamon in candles though.  I noticed this in college at a Christmas party in our eyes did a weird thing after smelling the cider.  The same thing happened when I made applesauce in my crockpot in my classroom.  It does it also with candles so I avoid this smell!  

I like to make breads that have cinnamon in the recipe.  

I love cinnamon rolls! That reminds me of a delicious one I had on the first day of school at a local shop  might be time for another one! I loved he cinnamon rolls served in the snack line too when I was in high school. 

4. Does Christmas 2020 (or Hanukkah) look much like it has in years past, or is this year vastly different for you and your family? How so? How are you feeling about it all? Many things are different.  First I always send Christmas letter and a family picture.  I ordered the pictures and got n email they shipped December 13.  When I go to the tracking page there is no update and says it is pending.  Oh well.

Second I tested positive for Covid on Monday.  I thought it was allergies or a sinus infection.  I don’t feel bad and pray that continues. I have gotten a vitamin pack I’m taking. I had about 24 hours of low fever last Monday and then felt fine until I had some nasal congestion Friday and noticed I couldn’t taste/smell.  So I don’t know if the fever was the start. I assume but who knows. If that’s the case then I’m 8 days in.  I have no idea where I got it.  

I’m sad because this changes everything.  I’ve had a range of emotions about it.  I pray I stay only mild symptoms.  Shortness of breath scares me so I’m thankful I haven’t had that.  

5. What's one thing you need or want to do before this year ends? 

Cleaning the closet is something hat we need to do.  It’s a mess now with Christmas gifts! 

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

Merry Christmas! Enjoy the holiday.  Make special memories even if things look different than you are used to.  

Have a day of blessings! 


ellen b. said...

Bethany, our oldest son became engaged in December of 2000, too. So sorry to hear that you tested positive for Covid. I will pray that you will only have mild symptoms and that you will be healed soon with NO shortness of breath. Merry Christmas to you and yours!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I am so sorry to hear about your Covid test. ((Hugs)) It does change everything but glad to hear you are doing okay. Keeping you in my prayers.