Thursday, September 24, 2020

Thankful Thursday

I have had a busy day so I am late getting up my Thursday post today.  

Here is my thankful list for the week:

~ my husband helping to coordinate getting a rental car while my van is in the shop.  It feels so weird to drive a car after being used to my van and then the truck the past couple of weeks.  Funny thing is that he drove off and I called him and asked how to start it!  LOL  It didn't have a key, just a button.  

~ my big boy doing well in his classes so far and seeming to do well with balancing his school load, football, and steer.  He is busy!

~ my little guy doing well this week when he had a sub.  I wasn't sure how he'd do with the change but he was okay with it and had good days.  It didn't phase him.  :)

~ working on my quilting projects and enjoying it so much!  I feel like I am learning a lot and wasn't sure if I would enjoy it, but I do.  I ordered a pack of squares today to make some things!

~ the flowers in bloom make me smile!  My lantana bush is huge and my two new ones are growing.  It was exciting to see the blooms this week.  I bought a little mum too, and my boys put it in my front flower bed.

~ having friends care about me and pray for me this week.  I was struggling with anxiety and told a few people.  It uplifted me that they were understanding, encouraging and prayed for me.

Have a day of blessings! 

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