Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. What's something you resolved to do this year? Have you done it?
I looked back in my journal recently and saw the word I'd chosen for this year.  I have not really chosen a word past years.  This year I chose "less."  It made me chuckle to myself at how true this has become in our lives, and we are doing/going/buying less in a way I never expected.

2. Where do you go to find quietude?
Lately with the pretty weather I have enjoyed being outside on our back deck.  I like to sit in the shade and hear the birds while I read my Bible. I like the alone time.  

3. A friend asked this question on her Facebook page and said I could borrow it for the're only allowed to buy 5 things at the grocery store, and all must start with the first letter of your first name. Whatcha' buying?

4. The television show Survivor, the Gloria Gaynor song 'I Will Survive', survival mode, survival of the fittest...pick one and discuss.
I remember watching the show “Survivor” many years ago when it first came out I guess.  I couldn’t imagine even trying to participate and do the things those people were doing. It always surprised me to see how some people acted towards others for their own gain as well as how they completed the challenges.  I haven’t watched the show in years.  

5. Share a favorite quote or saying about strength.

6. Insert your own random thought here.

We are doing good and have a new normal. We found out Friday our schools in the state of Texas are closed through the end of the school year.  I’m enjoying the time with the boys at home.

Have a day of blessings!


Theresa said...

My back deck is my quietude spot too. Love the verse you shared! Schools here haven't said they are closed for the rest of the year but I bet they will be. It doesn't make too much of a difference for us since we homeschool but I think it must be frustrating to not know. Enjoy your special time with your boys :)

Sue said...

Wonderful thoughts you have shared, Bethany, especially the Bible verse, I watched the first few seasons of Survival too but not anymore.
I like your word for the year, I think we all have found "less" to be our word too!
Have a blessed day.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I love your answer for #1 one and that is so true. I picked a word for this year but don't remember what it was. Your back porch sounds perfect. I like your choice of foods. Your quote is very good. I'm happy to hear that the new normal is going well for you and your family.

WW said...

My word was adventure. I was going to take one in April, but the world fell apart, so I haven't had a chance for one. Maybe, when we put the world back together again.

ellen b. said...

I enjoyed reading your answers! Glad you are enjoying having your boys home. Great verse from Joshua for anytime but especially this time. Happy rest of the week to you.