This week I'm thankful for...
~ the things my husband has done while he's been home including fix supper. He finished working on our office and helped me go through a filing cabinet yesterday. He also went to be a WatchDOG at Caleb's school last Friday. It is discouraging for him that he is not allowed to go to work, but he is having a good attitude about it and we continue to trust God to take care of us.
~ being able to do things with our boy like taking him to the deer lease and attending 4-H meetings. It is fun for me as a Mom to see him in different settings. He has so many interests!
~ a surprise in the mail from a friend. We became pen pals when we were little girls and have grown up together through the years. Now we are both married and have a child. She sent me these fall towels and wash cloths along with a sweet card.
~ feeling peaceful and being able to trust God amidst the unknowns of this government shutdown. We are thankful we have our "emergency fund" that we've been saving since doing Financial Peace University. I was also able to sign up to be on the substitute list so we could have some income while we don't know how long this will last.
~ monetary surprises in the mail. I just think it is so neat the timing of these checks! We had a gift card for $50 in the mail over the weekend that was from a survey I did once a month for a year. It ended several months ago, and I actually had thought about it last week and wondered if I was going to get the promised $50. Then it showed up! Then on Monday I got another $10 check for another survey. I didn't even know that one was coming. It's been a reminder that God is taking care of us.
~ our loving church family. On Sunday I had a friend come up and had me a small black velvet box. She said she wanted me to have this. She told me one time at a retreat we were at that I mentioned having a pair of these feet after my first miscarriage, then I lost it and got another pair and eventually quit wearing it as I was afraid to lose it again. She said she knew there was a pair in her mother's stuff and she searched for it till she found it. The retreat was probably a year ago or more. The timing was so perfect I thought for her to give it to me this month. I thought it was so sweet of her to remember me saying that and to give this to me. I stood there and cried and hugged her. Here is a picture. They are the size of a baby in the womb at 10 weeks.
Join us at Grace Alone this month for Thankful Thursday.
Have a day of blessings!
Lovely list of blessings amidst uncertainty.
The baby feet pin is such a beautiful gift. ((HUGS)) You have so many things to be thankful for this week.
lovely blessings list
mine are here
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