Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Weekend trip

Last week Caleb was blessed to attend art camp.  He attended this camp last summer as well and had a great time again this year.  Friday he had at art show at 11:30 where we got to go see all of his work.  Then we came home and loaded up to head to my Dad's in Lubbock for the weekend.  My husband took the rest of the day off so we could leave sooner and not arrive so late.

We had a little "excitement" Friday night around 2:30 when the power went out.  It came back on around 5 a.m.  Something had happened at the power plant to cause the outage all around town.     

Saturday Caleb had the wonderful experience of looking at the equipment used by the SWAT team as well as one of their special vehicles.  Caleb asked Mr. Brian so many questions and was so interested in everything he had to say about his work. 

Saturday evening we went to an outdoor play "Fiddler on the Roof."  It was at a park where you took your lawn chairs and picnic supper.  I took this picture of the set.   

Sunday we went to church, had lunch, and fed the ducks before leaving for home.  Caleb likes to go feed the ducks when he visits Grandad.

We had a nice visit and made more memories together.

Have a day of blessings!

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