Thursday, July 19, 2012

Thankful Thursday

I have so many blessings every day, and today is no exception!  I love thinking of the blessings and stopping to record these blessings each week. 

This week I am thankful for...
~ my cute husband.  I just think he's cute, and he makes me smile.  :)

~ my boy's tender, sweet heart.  The youth led the service at church Wednesday evening.  Caleb led a song and the closing prayer.  He did such a good job with both.  I'm thankful he wants to serve in these ways.

~ getting to see my Mom this week.  She came to take our boy birthday shopping.  His birthday is in August and they have a tradition to go shop for something he wants in July.  So I got to see her too and we went shopping while he was in his art class in the morning. 

~ eating supper with my forever friend.  I was so happy my friend came to town.  I haven't seen her in a long time.  We had pizza which was so yummy plus cheese sticks (I had never had them before at that restaurant and I told my husband we would be having them when we go back!!).

~ homegrown tomatoes and having plenty to share.

Have a day of blessings!

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