Thursday, May 24, 2012

Thankful Thursday!

Thankful Thursday is linking up at Women Taking a Stand this week.  Join us!
This week I am thankful for...

~ my husband and his love, his wisdom he shared with me as we were talking.  He is such a blessing in so many ways.

~ my boy having a wonderful year in 2nd grade.  I am thankful for his school and teachers and the impact they have had on him this year as well as all the many things he has learned. Also that he has been well and healthy physically and having a positive attitude.

~ getting to see the girl who was the flower girl in our wedding.  She is graduating from high school and came by to meet our son.  When I was in college and she was starting school I kept her after school.  It was nice to see her again! 

~ watching ants!  We gave Caleb an ant farm as an Easter surprise in his scavenger hunt.  It had a postcards to order ants.  I sent in the postcard a couple of weeks ago, and they came this week (which was an answer to prayer actually because I knew they needed to hurry up before we are gone on vacation!) and have been fun to watch.  They are busy little creatures. 

~ getting a summer membership for a recreation center.  We went Saturday to the pool and my husband has been exercising before he goes to work.  We are excited to use this during the summer months!

Have a day of blessings!


Crystal said...

Watching ants is an interesting one, haha, but understand the enjoyment. Hope you have a wonderful day!

Cami said...

Hi Beth! Thanks for linking up to First Day of My Life's Thankful Thursday! :)
Hope you join us next week, too!

Happy to hear your boy is having a great time in school...yay!
How neat that you got to see your flower girl recently...too cool!

Hope you have a lovely weekend with your beautiful family <3

Ms. Kathleen said...

I've always thought it would be fun to have an ant farm - we had all sorts of things - critters on the farm - . You have a wonderful list of blessings! Have a wonderful day :)

Lorilee Guenter said...

great list of things to be thankful for.