Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Thankful Thursday

This month for Thankful Thursday we are meeting at Grace Alone.  It has been nice to "meet" some new bloggers the past few weeks through Thankful Thursday.  Thank you for stopping by! 
Today I am thankful for...

~ my husband writing a note for me before he left for work. 

~  having such a wonderful day on  Monday with my boy out of school.  We worked and played together.  He helped with laundry, we read in his new hammock, he made tea and a cake for Daddy all by himself, we flew his kite, and we watched a little bit of a track meet.  I loved our time together!  It made me very excited for summer too!

~ finding the heart.  I have written about the heart in a previous post.  My husband and I hide it for each other to find.  It has been lost for some time.  I thought it was in a pair of black shorts.  I had checked those though and it wasn't there.  Tuesday I reached in my pocket and there was the heart.  I was so glad to find it again! 

~ seeing so many rose bushes full of beautiful roses of all colors.  It made me miss our rose bush at our old house!

~ enjoying the wonderful Easter weekend.  We enjoyed seeing some family.  Also my hubby and I got to go on a date.  We just got to go eat before a big storm was about to hit so we came home.  We tried a restaurant we had not been to in many years, and it was so yummy!  I look forward to going back.  Sunday morning we attended the sunrise service again and that was a blessing as well.

Have a day of blessings!


jhunnelle said...

Aww, your husband is so sweet, enjoyed reading your list.

Happy Thankful Thursday!

Denise said...

Bless you, and your dear family.

Ms. Kathleen said...

What blessed times. It's amazing how kids remember those times we take to spend with them. Treasured memories. Have a wonderful day!