Thursday, February 2, 2012

Thankful Thursday

We are meeting for Thankful Thursday in February over at Grace Alone with Iris. 

Happy February to you!  I always love this month and all the special memories that it holds for me.  What are you thankful for today?  I read this verse and wanted to include it on my post today. 

"I will give thanks to the LORD because of his righteousness;
I will sing the praises of the name of the LORD Most High."  Psalm 7:17

Here is my thankful list for today:
~ My husband's "first day of February" surprise to me.  He'd made a cd with the song "No Doubt About It" on it and put it in my car to play when I took Caleb to school. 

~ My boy sleeping soundly this week.  Which means Mommy is sleeping soundly too!  Last week he got up several nights for various reasons so I have noticed sleep this week! 

~ Taking a walk around our neighborhood in the pretty sunshine.

~ Having fun with our Valentine countdown!  All 3 of us decorated mailboxes Tuesday night.  We put little notes and surprises in them for each other until Valentine's Day.  We know to check our  mail when the flag is up. This is Caleb's box he made.  The inside is decorated too.  When I told him we were going to do this, he kept asking me what color his was.  He said you didn't get me a pink one did you?  As you can see, he is learning cursive!

Today Caleb's note said he had to wait for the surprise until after school and the clue was Mommy was making it today.  It is over of the oven now, and I will frost it soon!  (I hope he wants to share with  me!) 

~ the enjoyment I've had teaching the 4 year old class at our church on Sunday mornings.  It is so exciting when I see they have remembered something from a previous week, like their memory verse or something from our Bible story.  We've had several lessons on Hannah and Samuel; next we will have lessons on Elijah. 
Have a day of blessings!


Denise said...

I love your thankful heart.

Pia said...

God bless your grateful heart. wow, another cake. yumm! just came from debbie's site and she posted a photo of her bday cake.

Lisa Maria said...

What lovely things to be thankful for...February is a special month for me too. I celebrate 22 years of marriage in a couple of weeks. I love how you've made the entire month special.

Debbie Petras said...

I just love your thankful heart Bethany. You are the real deal. I love the lessons you are teaching Caleb too. You would be a fabulous teacher for four year olds. I wish you could be in our classroom which is 3-4 year olds. I love that age and how they love to learn new things.

Blessings and love,

PS Love the socks!

Karen said...

I know Caleb will enjoy that angel food cake. My Mom used to make it and it was one of my favorites.