Thursday, August 18, 2011

Thankful Thursday

Today we are meeting at Women Taking a Stand.  Come join us and share in giving thanks!

Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. Psalm 100:4

This week I am thankful for...
~ my husband being wise in his decisions.  We are possibly selling his truck for one that gets better gas mileage since he drives quite a few miles every day to work. 

~ my sweet boy and the fun times we've had this summer.  Next week he starts school.  We have had fun and are sad to see the end of summer but look forward to what this year holds too. He made me breakfast this morning.  He said he just wanted me to know how special I was to him.  :)

~ how well the birthday party went for our boy last weekend.  It started storming here at about 5:30 in the morning.  Then a steady rain was coming down and stopped by the time the party was starting.  The boys had fun and the cooler temperatures were so nice. Then we had lunch at our house and that went well too. 

~ friendships at our new church.

~ our comfortable bed. 

Have a day of blessings!


tammi said...

Awww, your son is so thoughtful!! What wonderful things to be able to be thankful for!!

Rita T. said...

Terrific list. Comfortable beds are definitely something to thank God for!

Melanie said...

A lovely list!

Jessica Kramasz said...

I'm so glad you've formed friendships at your new church. We began attending a new church last January, and leaving my friends at our old church was the hardest part.

Ron's Road 2 Recovery said...

A busy and fun time in your life!
Thanks for sharing these blessings with us. Have a great weekend!