Monday, August 8, 2011

31 days: Day 8

Day 8:  Let's pray for school counselors/psychologists. 

I know the counselors can really be helpful at a school in teaching valuable lessons and mentoring.  I've seen such a range of involvement from counselors through the years actually... from those who work one on one with students and know the students by name to those who I was never really sure what job they did! 

When I was in 5th grade, I was in a group called PALs (Peer Assistance Leaders) with the school counselor.  We were a group of mentors to younger students.  The counselor was such a sweet lady and I am still in contact with her today.  She really cared about the kids and wanted to get to know them and their needs and troubles. 

Pray for school counselors to have the resources needed to help the students on their campus.  Pray for them to be involved and concerned about the students.

Have a day of blessings!

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Kristi said...

Our school counselor is a friend of mine. I know we as teachers are often counselors of sorts as well, but her office seems to have a revolving door; she is always busy helping our high school students. My girls were both "mediators" (our version of Pals) at school in junior high too.

Denise said...

School counselors are very important, I will pray.