Thursday, August 11, 2011

31 days: Day 11

Day 11:  Let's pray for the teachers of the arts--music, band, art, theater, etc.

I was in choir from 6th grade through 12th.  I had the same choir director, a wonderful lady who is also a friend.  I learned so much from her and am blessed to have been in her choirs.  We made many wonderful memories together in our contests, performances, and visits to Carnegie Hall in New York City! 

It makes me sad that in many schools the arts are one area that are the first to face financial cuts.  These areas are just so important in the education of a child, and I can't understand how those making the decisions can cut the arts while not cutting certain other areas (like football in Texas! but that would be another post). 

Pray for these teachers that they will realize how vital they are in the education of children...whatever level they may be.  Pray for them as they plan the activities and performances of the year that these activities will be blessed and enjoyed by many as well as being educational for the students.

Have a day of blessings!

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1 comment:

Loren said...

Couldn't agree anymore! makes me sooo sad that they are losing so many of these options. Jantz took art last year and he absolutely loved it. His teacher was just so precious! We need these classes for sure!!