Monday, August 1, 2011

31 days: Day 1

Welcome to August!  Thank you for joining me in 31 days of Prayer for our Schools.  There are so many people involved in schools and for the first couple weeks of August we will be praying for these different people. All of these people are important for the school to run smoothly.

Day 1:  Let's pray for principals and other school administrators

When I was teaching in public schools I was blessed to work with two wonderful principals.  These ladies really added so much to my time in public schools and helped me have such a good experience.  They mentored me and were a positive example to me. 

The role of the principal is so important.  I have seen how their attitude can really set the mood and atmosphere of the school.  This directly impacts the teachers which in turn shows up in how they act in their classrooms.  A negative principal who is always griping and being too controlling can really bring down the morale of the campus. 

Do you know the name of the principal at your child's school?  Make an effort to get to know him or her and try to be an encouragement.  They have a tough job. 

Let's pray for the principals as they are beginning a new year. 

Pray for principals to have wisdom as they are making decisions about the upcoming school year regarding such things as teacher placement and budgeting issues.  Pray for them to have high standards and to be strong leaders that follow Christ and who set a positive atmosphere for the campus.

Thank you for praying with me today. 

Have a day of blessings!

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