Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Thankful Thursday

Thursday PicturesTime again for Thankful Thursday!  Summer is going so fast and we've had so many 100 + days here.  We are all praying for rain.

This week I am thankful for...

~ my husband and I getting to have lunch together this week. Also, he said something to me this week very serious after we had been joking around and it really touched my heart.  I smile every time i think of his sweet words to me.

~ my boy and our time together this summer.  Lazy mornings, doing errands together, having fun too.

~ birth of a friend's new baby, Kynsie, on Sunday night.  I remember when her Mom told me she was pregnant again after a miscarriage the prior year.  Please pray for her today (and her family) as she is having open heart surgery on Thursday. 

~ money to pay our bills.  Each time I go  to the grocery store, I seem to notice at least one or two more items I regularly purchase that have gone up in price.  I know prices on everything are going up.  I am thankful for my husband's job that we can buy food and pay for our home, gas, and  utilities. 

~ tiny baby toes!  I was waiting in line to check out and a lady was in front of me with a sleeping infant in a carrier attached to the cart.  The little toes just made me smile to see such perfection. 

Have a day of blessings!


Dineen A. Miller said...

Awww, love that last toes. Too cute! And how precious that your hubby's words keep making you smile. LOVE THAT!!! :-)

jhunnelle said...

Just prayed for your friend, thankful also for His provision even here in China inflation is happening every month.

Enjoyed reading your list, Happy Thursday!

Karen said...

Bless you, Bethany. I will pray for Kynsie, Is it the Mom or the baby who will have surgery?

Shawntele said...

Oh, I love little baby toes too! Our youngest is now 10 so it has been while since we have had our own littles to admire! :O)

Pamela said...

Such a beautiful list. When I read other's lists of thanksgiving I marvel at how very much we have to be thankful for.

Whidbey Woman said...

Love to read the praises of mothers! It sounds like you have wonderful family and friends. Happy Thankful Thursday!
P.S. If I could send some our cool Pacific Northwest weather your way, I would.

Anonymous said...

Grocery prices are so discouraging! But it is like you said, the Lord still provides and we haven't missed a meal yet! :) Wonderful list. I just stumbled upon your blog, and am a new follower! :)