Monday, July 11, 2011

Prayers this week

I have heard so many prayer requests lately of friends and loved ones and also some total strangers. 

My heart was saddened to hear of the tragedy with the fire fighter at the Texas Rangers game last week.  All day Friday I just could not get the family out of my head.  They've really been on my heart as they had the funeral today.  The pictures are very touching. 

I had mixed emotions Thursday night because at the same time I was reading of the awful accident I was also seeing pictures posted on Facebook of a welcome home event for some soldiers who had been in Afghanistan. A man who went to church with us before our move was among those coming home.  I could imagine the emotion and excitement in the room.  I was thankful for his safe arrival back with his wife and infant son and that is an answer to prayers.

Last night I read a Facebook message of a friend that she had had her baby girl.  But Kynsie was taken to NICU.  I got in touch with the grandmother and she told me Kynsie has a heart condition and had to be careflighted to Cooks Children's Hospital.  She is there now and had a procedure done today to try to relieve some of the pressure to her lungs.  I talked with her aunt and she was breathing on her own and is scheduled to have open heart surgery on Thursday.  Please keep the parents, big sister, grandparents, and rest of the family in your prayers if you think about them over the next few days.

Let me know if I could pray for you or your family.

Have a day of blessings!


Loren said...

Joining you in prayer Bethany! I have thought of the fireman as well. Such a tragedy! Our community has had some just awful things happen this summer. So very sad and weighs so heavy on many hearts!

So thankful that we can truly lay them at the foot of the cross aren't you! Now, if we could just leave them there!

Bless you my friend! You are such a wonderful woman of have such a sweet and compassionate heart!

Runnergirl Creations said...

Thanks for sharing & keeping them in prayer.