Thursday, July 7, 2011

Thankful Thursday

I am late in getting up my Thankful Thursday post today, but that's okay!  It is summer and our schedule is different now!

This week I am thankful for...
~ my husband being off an extra day on Monday for the holiday.  We had a great weekend!  And I love how attached our boy is to his Daddy!

~ my sweet boy making progress on getting rid of some stuff.  I've told him recently that he needs to go through and decide if any of his older toys he wants to get rid of instead of keeping it all.  This week he has found a tub of stuff he doesn't want to keep.  I was surprised at some of his choices but he did a good job in choosing things. 

~ air conditioning.  Did I say this last week?  Every day when I go outside and feel the intense heat I am thankful for our a/c in our vehicles and house.  My car said it was 108 this afternoon. 

~ fun summer reading programs at libraries.  We have two nearby libraries here and we've been to both of them.  They are very different in what they offer but both have fun things for the summer reading program.  It's a great thing for kids to be involved with in summer.  I remember doing the library summer reading program when I was a kid.

~ cool treats for hot days!  We had a snow cone this week and also frozen yogurt.  Yum!!

Have a day of blessings!


Pamela said...

I second your first praise...Love having short weeks with hubby home. Now that Emily is working out of time it was a treat to have her home, too.

I hope your summer continues to give you reasons to praise!


Nancy said...

You are right...Air conditioning is one thing to be especially thankful for.......can' you just image life long ago when there was none? I guess they didn't know what they hadn't had........

Sounds like you are making lots of summer memories...reading and cleaning out toys.......and I'm sure lots more...

Stay cool....

Debbie Petras said...

What did people do before air conditioning? I guess they sweat a lot! I'm also thankful for that too as the temperatures in Phoenix have been in the triple digits.

I always enjoy reading your thankful Thursday posts Bethany. Your loving heart is so obvious. Gloria is still talking about your kindness; thank you.

blessings and love,

Shanda said...

Air Conditioning is such a blessing. Most of the world doesnt' even have it!

Rocks said...

I super love long weekend :) specially Monday where you can stay late in bed..

Have a happy week!!

Phather Phil Malmstrom said...

What a wonderful list of Blessings Bethany! I'm right there with you on the air conditioning... I start to melt over 75. lol

Have a Blessed Day!

Trish @ In So Many Words said...

Sounds like a great list of things to be thankful for! I am a huge fan of AC myself. ;)

Tami said...

Looks like you've found some great ways to enjoy summer!