Thursday, October 3, 2024

Thankful Thursday

Happy October!

This week I am thankful for....

~ my husband helping me with my van when the low tire light came on (two different days).  The second time he thought it must have a nail or something in it so he took it to be checked and found out both back tires had something in them.

~ a funny text from our oldest and then him buying me some taco seasoning.  

~ our DIL and how it feels when my husband prays for her by name when he's praying for the family.

~ getting to take our little guy to the State Fair of Texas for the first time!  We had a fun day and walked alot!  We were tired out but glad we got to go together.

~ pretty weather nice for sitting outside and taking walks. It's been a great temperature this week!

~ online continuing education courses to renew my teaching certificate.  I've always kept my hours to keep my teaching certificate valid.  I'm glad for the courses I can do online as well as the books I can listen to towards my hours.

~ when I see a couple answers to prayers.  

Have a day of blessings! 

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