Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. It's officially fall y' the northern hemisphere anyway. What are three of your favorite things about this particular season of the year? 

leaves changing colors
change in temperatures (at some point.....some years it is later than others for cooler temperatures here in Texas!)

2. Your favorite fall fabric-denim, flannel, tweed, corduroy, tartan, polar fleece, leather? Do you own something made with your favorite fall fabric? 

Polar fleece and yes I love wearing long sleeved shirts made with it. They are so soft.

3. According to Everyday Health here are ten healthy fall foods- apples (flavonoids may improve brain health), pears (for heart friendly fiber), cranberries (helps your body fight oxidative stress) winter squash (for eye health), pumpkin (another great source of Vitamin A), leeks (an anti-inflammatory food), brussel sprouts (full of fiber and anti-oxidants), sweet potatoes (loaded with Vit A and C), parsnips (keep your bones healthy with Vit K), and broccoli (may help prevent cancer). 

How many on the list do you eat on a regular basis? Which one is your favorite? Which one gets a big no thanks from you? 

Ones I eat on a regular basis:  apples, pears (canned), brussel sprouts, sweet potatoes, broccoli

cranberries (sometimes in salads)

My son thinks it is funny I like brussel sprouts and I will eat those for lunch some days.  I love them! 

I haven't eaten leeks or parsnips.

4. Tell us about the last time (or a recent time) you experienced a wave of nostalgia? 

When we went to the ACU football game and walking on campus with my husband like we used to do when we were dating...We love that place and our memories of our time there.

5. Sept. 22nd was National Daughter's Day. Like mother, like daughter...does this idiom ring true for you? You may answer in terms of your own role as a daughter or, if you have daughters, then your role as a mother of daughters. 

There are some ways I'm like my Mom....we both like to send cards in the mail.  She's a list maker and so am I.  I have realized through the years as a Mom I say things I heard her say.  We aren't alike in that she likes working in her yard and has a green thumb.  

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

We've had more rain this week.  Everything is really green and pretty now which is nice after seeing so much brown and deadness during the drought.  

I have a new book I'm reviewing and sharing today.

Have a day of blessings! 



Debby@Just Breathe said...

I enjoyed reading your answers. You do a great job on eating those items listed. I agree with leeks and parsnips. That's a sweet memory. My daughter and I are pretty much alike. We send out cards too. That's great that you had rain. Take care.

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

I liked your answers