Thursday, September 19, 2024

Thankful Thursday

Another September day!  This month is over half way done.  

~ my husband getting up early to pick up the donuts for me to take with the teacher snacks.

~ our oldest son helping out at the church meal on Wednesday.  Also I got to help him clearing out his trailer for the non-profit as they are about to start having sessions.

~ my DIL asking me to help with their dog this week.

~ taking my youngest to the dentist this week and all the stories he told me as we were driving.

~ able to attend a funeral for a dear friend from church.  She turned 94 earlier this month and was a sweet Christian lady.

~ buying treats from PTO for the teachers.  It was an idea I copied from Pinterest.  Here is a picture.  The teachers loved it! There were donuts and muffins on the other tables.

~ our family getting to serve together at our church and seeing the blessing the meal is to others.

Thanks for stopping by and reading.  Share what you are thankful for this week.

Have a day of blessings! 

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