Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. What is something you currently find 'taxing'? 
Some weeks it feels difficult to figure out various meals for the boys for breakfast and lunches.  I try to have a variety for them.  This time of year it feels like it's the same thing over and over!  

2. I've seen this question asked in various forms on several social media can only keep three-

coffee, jewelry, tacos, wine, books, dogs, chocolate, Netflix, make-up, leggings, cheese, cats

Which three do you keep and how easy or hard was it for you to decide? 
My three to keep:  books, chocolate, leggings

It was pretty easy to decide, my third choice was between leggings and tacos.  If it said Mexican food I'd have picked that over leggings.  

Several on the list are not at all important to me so it was easy to eliminate those.  

3. Tell us something you know or have learned about forgiveness? 
Forgiveness can be hard.  The hurt doesn't just automatically disappear once you've forgiven someone. For myself I have noticed that the passing of time and space is helpful to me when I forgive someone.  By that I mean if I see them daily or weekly I seem to be constantly reminded of how they hurt me.

4. What's something you'd recommend that is often overlooked and under appreciated? 

My someTHING is a someONE.....School secretaries.  My Mom was one for many years.  "Administrative Professionals Day"  is next Wednesday.  Send a thank you note or little surprise to your child's school secretary....or any secretary you know who is doing a good job.  

5. Give us a favorite word that starts with letter K and tell us why this is the one you chose. 

The first thing I thought of was KISS so I'll go with that.  I like kisses from my husband.  

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

I don't often buy clothes for myself.  I will for the boys when I see something (that I'm sure they will wear) at a good price.  But rarely do I do that for me.  Recently though I have found several new clothes.  It feels nice to get something new, and it still surprises me the smaller size fits!  (I've lost about 30 pounds over the last two years....itermittent fasting.) I found a cute and comfortable outfit at Cato that I wore for Easter.  Then I also found some random pants and leggings at Sams.  I found some fishing shirts for Caleb too and polo shirts and shorts for my husband.  

Have a day of blessings! 


ellen b. said...

When my kids were little after a while of having the same thing for a meal they began a chant Chicken or pasta, chicken or pasta. Oh my. It is hard to keep coming up with a variety of food that kids will eat. Good for you for sticking to a plan and dropping that weight. Hope the rest of the week goes well.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I like the 3 you picked. Your answer on forgiveness is so true. I have a niece in Florida who was very angry at me because so much of the work for my father fell to my sister. I couldn't just up and move to Florida. I went as often as I could to help out. So anyway she had unfriended me on Facebook and sent a nasty letter. I have tried hard to forgive her and I don't see her often at all. Her birthday was yesterday and I wished her a happy birthday and asked how she is doing. She said "Thank you. I'm fine. No need for you to ask." I couldn't help but cry. Nice answer on the Administrative Day. Kiss, that's an awesome K word! How wonderful that you got some new clothes and even better that you lost 30 pounds.