Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Have you done more binge watching this past year than in 'normal' years? Any plans to break that habit in 2021? Tell us one or two shows you binged last year that you really liked. 
We have rarely been ones to watch television.  The boys have some shows they like that we watch together.  But for the most part our television is not on a lot.  The past year we have watched more.  Over Christmas break when I tested positive for Covid 19 we started watching "Sugar Rush Christmas."  We've continued to watch the regular "Sugar Rush."  It's been fun!  I love seeing their creations.  

2. January 26th is Australia Day. Have you ever visited or lived in Australia? Have you ever tasted Vegemite, and if so what did you think?  Is a trip down under on your bucket list? We answered a question about travel three months ago (the October 21st Hodgepodge), but let's revisit now...where are you when it comes to planning or even imagining travel this year? 

I have always dreamed of visiting Australia.  I've never been there.  I have a friend whose daughter and family moved to Australia.  My friend was supposed to travel to visit them last summer but of course with Covid they could not.   I had never even heard of Vegemite until we started watching "Sugar Rush."  One of the judges is from Australia.  

I haven't decided how I feel about traveling this year yet.  I haven't even thought about a family vacation.  It seems so many things are up in the air right now.....what will gas prices be?  how will the numbers be for coronavirus? to name a couple.  

3. Something that zaps your energy? Something that energizes you? 

Being with people all day (or an extended period of time) zaps my energy.  I have found I need alone time.

It energizes me to work on a task that is doing something to help someone else and have it be successful and helpful to them.

4. On a scale of 1-10 what are your eating habits like these days? (1=all junk food all the time and 10= juicing every green thing in the frig) Healthiest meal you've eaten in the last week or so? 

Probably a 4-5....I probably do eat too much junk food, especially around the holidays and then February is a month of eating sweets it seems with Valentine's Day and then my birthday.  

I do intermittent fasting. It has become a way of life for me and I love it.  If I want to eat something I eat it when my window is open and of course moderation.  I was amazed I was able to do this and be successful.  Great feeling!  I eat so much less now than I used to!

I'm trying to think what I ate that was healthy recently.  We had a chicken pasta dish last week and that seems fairly healthy.

5. What's your most often 'Back in my day....' thing to say? 
We didn't have cell phones.

We did our research in the library with a card catalog.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

I'm asking for prayers for a 16 year old young man named Wes.  He was diagnosed with cancer last week and yesterday found out it is Ewing Sarcoma.  He begins his chemo treatments this week.  He is a great friend to my Caleb.  This has been hard news.  Please pray for him and his family.

Have a day of blessings! 


Debby@Just Breathe said...

I'll have to check that show out to see what its like. I think it is too soon to plan any trips. I like your point on the eating habits around Christmas and Thanksgiving. I remember on year when I saw my doctor towards the end of the year and he said "don't get your blood work until after the holidays" for that very reason. I will keep Wes in my prayers.

Willow said...

Oh I am so sorry about Wes! I'm sure Caleb is very concerned. Prayers for Wes!
I am that person who enjoys people but also needs her alone time. Right down the middle on extrovert/introvert.
I know so many people say, 'How did we survive without cell phones?" I was thinking about that the other day and realized we planned ahead better.

ellen b. said...

So sorry about the cancer diagnosis for Caleb's hard.
I'm happy to have found Intermittent fasting. I need to get back on track but it really is a way of eating that has worked and makes sense for me. Hope the rest of the week goes well for you!

Carla from The River said...

I am praying for Wes. And your Caleb.
My best friend was diagnosed with cancer last year at this time. What a nightmare with the virus and treatments.
I sent her a care package weekly. Simple fun things, a magazine, tea, chap stick and gas gift cards are a few of the ideas I mailed her.
Praying for all.