Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Expect the unexpected on From This Side of the Pond. Here's my x-ray question...when was the last time you felt like Superman? What's your superpower? Explain.  I don’t have a good answer! The first thing that came to mind is how a mom often seems to have “eyes in the back of her head.”  I asked my son what was my superpower and he said being a Mom.

2. Are you a fan of the 'superhero' type movies? If so what's your favorite? 
No, not at all!  I don't even know the names of many superheroes.  

3. Have you postponed or cancelled a trip to the dentist in recent weeks, and if so when do you think you'll feel comfortable going back? How about other routine medical procedures? 

I am thinking that I am due for my six month dental check-up. I am not sure when that is supposed to be.  

I took my little guy to his 5 year old well check Tuesday.  I was unsure about taking him but they told me they had a no waiting room policy. I felt very safe, I didn't have to touch any door handles or anything like that. I wore a mask.  I didn't have one for him because he hasn't been anywhere.  I asked at the screening table if he needed to wear one and they said they didn't have one his size.  It was fine though, we didn't encounter other people except as we exited. 

I have had my yearly well woman exam cancelled.  It was supposed to be in April.  They said call at the beginning of June to see if they can reschedule.  The same happened with my mammogram.  It's been rescheduled twice now.  

4. What's something that makes you feel youthful? Something that makes you feel 'not so youthful'? Tell us why. It makes me feel youthful to do something I did as a child, like jump rope(which I did last night) or get on a swing.  I feel ‘not so youthful’ when my boy is looking for trucks.  He will be 16 in August.  

5. I feel compelled to include some sort of corona related question in the HP these days. What's the strangest thing you've seen in relation to the virus? Something that really struck you as odd, made you stop and think, 'Dorothy we're not in Kansas anymore?'
It has been so odd to me to go out and see people wearing masks. It’s become common, and I’m not used to it being reality.  The empty shelves have been odd to see...something I never considered happening. 

6. Insert your own random thought here. 
I am feeling very thankful for God's protection yesterday.  I was stopped at a red light.  I saw the arrow for me had changed to green, the car across from me turned and I put down my water, looked up to go and a truck zoomed across the road in front of me.  It gave me a good opportunity to show Titus how God was with us and protected us.  Very thankful!

Have a day of blessings!


Theresa said...

Good answer from your son- being a mom is a superpower! Glad you were safe yesterday on the road, a great opportunity to share the Lord's protection with your son. Another walk by the way moment :)

Bobbi said...

Thankful for God's hand of protection on you and for opportunities to teach God's care. I too find masks wear and to see.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I think he's right, that's a great answer for #1. My son and daughter in law took James to his 18 month appointment and they said it was very well protected, they felt safe about it. We have cancelled a lot of appointments although I am going in a few weeks for a recheck on my right breast. I don't want to go but I also don't think I should wait. I like your answer for feeling youthful. So happy to hear about Gods protection over you in the car yesterday.

ellen b. said...

Love the answer your son gave you for superhero question. Glad you were protected from that accident. Have a great rest of the week!

Joyce said...

I'm glad you missed an accident. It's good to notice God's hand of protection when we see it.

Debi said...

The masks are a little weird but here in northern NY we've been at it so long now it almost seems normal. The only empty shelves I have seen here are antibacterial wipes, hand sanitizer and toilet paper. So far we've not seen food shortages. Stay safe and well!