Thursday, August 29, 2019

Thankful Thursday

This week I am thankful for...
~ my husband having an overnight trip but it was only one night.

~ my big boy enjoying his classes and telling me about them and his teachers.  I miss him during the day and look forward to hearing about his day. He is loving football and I'm excited to see his first game.

~ volunteering with my little guy. We went to an event to help make care bags for students to have food to take home on weekends. We both enjoyed it, and we want to go again with Daddy and Caleb when football is done. I'm thankful for these opportunities.

~  the lesson at class on Wednesday.  It is the end of my teaching time for Wednesday nights.  I appreciated the lesson.  The theme was "Jesus is always with us."  One of the activities was to have the kids listen to their heart/find their pulse.  We talked about how our heartbeat is always with us just like Jesus is always with us.  The lesson said that when we exercise or get scared or excited, our heart will beat faster.  When we fill our heart beat, it can be a reminder that Jesus is always with us.  It was what I needed to hear and encouraged me.

~ the people in our town who are so kind.  I've been thinking about this this week....the lady at McDonalds who always asks Caleb about his sports and chats with Titus, the lady at the bank who went to the back to get Titus' favorite candy for him because they didn't have any left in the candy basket, also the newspaper man offered to let him feed his fish, the library ladies, ladies at United.  SO many people in our little town I appreciate.

~ being able to be the JV team mom this year.  :) Titus helped me make treat bags yesterday for the boys to have on the way to their game.  He likes helping me make them and made a special one for Caleb (picking the chips he knew his brother would like) and wrote his name on it.

Have a day of blessings!

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