Thursday, May 9, 2019

Thankful Thursday

Hello!  I hope your May is off to a nice start.  We had a bunch of rain and storms one night.  The temps were cooler today in the low 60s too.

This week I am thankful for...
~ my husband working so hard with his physical therapy.  I can tell when I watch him do the exercises when it hurts him.  He got some new exercises today to do at home. 

~ going to a school choir concert with my big boy.  His girlfriend was in the choir. The songs were beautifully done, and it made me miss my high school choir!  The song at the bottom was one that was sung and has been in my head since then.

~ taking a walk with my little guy.  It was chilly but a nice walk.  I liked listening to him sing and hum for most of the walk.  I saw a pink wildflower by the road so I picked it and he held it until we got home.  Then we looked it up in his Texas wildflower book that he is borrowing from the library. It was a pink evening primrose. He was excited to see it in the book.

~ going to an event at our local Chick fil a together. They had free shakes and a painting night. It was fun! 

~ our ladies class.  We ended for the semester with a lunch and baby shower. I am thankful for these ladies and the encouragement it is to go to the class each week.

~ having days at home this week without something to do or somewhere to be every day.  I feel caught up on laundry!

Enjoy this song.

Have a day of blessings!

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