Thursday, April 26, 2018

Thankful Thursday

Happy Thursday!  How can it already be the end of April?  It seems time always goes faster in he time between spring break and the end of school.

Here is my thankful list for this week...

~ my husband's love for his boys and how he cares for them.

~ my big boy telling us all about his tour at high school. I can't believe that he will be in high school so soon!  The 8th grade went to tour the high school yesterday. He is excited about the classes he will be taking and the options he has for new classes. We had. Parent meeting on Momday night as well,

~ my little boy's unique likes and interests.  We have asked him multiple times over the past several months what decoration he wants in his new room.  He  has had Berenstain Bears in there since he was born so we thought we could change it up.  First when I asked him he said circles.  Then he started saying grasshoppers.  I have no idea where he came up with that!  I thought it was unique!  He looked for material with grasshoppers on it today for Gramma to make it. 

~ hearing the birds chirping in the morning. When I get out of bed and go into my bathroom, I have been hearing them the last few mornings.

~ fun shopping outing with my Mom today.  I was looking for a dress for the wedding and believe I found one.  I actually found the style I wanted but ordered another color at their instore kiosk. Plus found several other things to buy.  I rarely buy any clothes for myself.  I found several dresses to try on and liked them which was surprising for me!  I thought what is wrong with me, I never find this many things I like!  I got some gifts for graduation seniors as well.  And another plus was I got Kohl's cash to use next week.  I plan to look for some new tennis shoes to have for our summer vacation and lots of walking.

~ variation in weather.  This week we have had a day that was chilly with 45 degree temps and rain.  Then today was what felt like a perfect day with the sun out but not hot and no wind.

Have a day of blessings!

1 comment:

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That is very exciting about the High School. I did a search and found some unusual grasshopper decorations. Hope they found something he likes. Glad you found a dress for the wedding. Have a nice weekend.