Thursday, March 8, 2018

Thankful Thursday

I hope the first week of March has been a good week for you.  Ours has been fairly normal I guess.  Next week is spring break which will be nice.

This week I m thankful for...
~ words of appreciation from my husband.  It meant so much to me when we were talking one day and he very randomly said some things he appreciated about me.  It made me feel good.

~ my big boy feeling better.  He has had about 6 weeks of throat/ear issues.  He's never had ear infections and now he has.  Monday morning he said his throat hurt again.  I thought at first it was drainage.  We got him a doctor appointment.  He went Monday afternoon and had an ear infection.  Since this has happened for a 3rd time, the doctor referred him to an ENT.  We already had that appointment today.  He recommended having his tonsils removed.

~ looking at the stars with my little guy.  One night when it was a full moon we had walked down the driveway to see the moon.  So now he tells us let's go see the moon when we come home and it is dark.  Last night we couldn't see the moon but saw stars.

~ enjoying an afternoon walk with my boys after school.

~ getting to work on some of the things for the upcoming birthday party for Titus!  He will be 3 in APRIL.  :)

~ books and libraries.

Have a day of blessings!

1 comment:

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I flew on March 1st to be with my dad and watch the Academy Awards with him. I go home on Monday. It's been a good week. Random praise is always awesome. So sorry to hear about the tonsils. I will be praying for Caleb. I love that Titus wants to go outside to see the moon. I love the moon and the stars. Hope you have a nice weekend.