Thursday, January 18, 2018

Thankful Thursday

It's been a hard week.  Not necessarily for my little family but for those we love. 

I don't guess I ever published this!  I wrote it on my ipad and didn't move it over to Blogger.  So here it is a week late!  I couldn't figure out what happened because I knew I'd typed a post last week.

Unimaginable loss, a devastating diagnosis, job uncertainties, illness abounds, weather issues.

These are obviously varying levels of "hard."  My heart has been hurting. I'll share at the end what I shared on my Thankful Thursday post on FB.....

Here is my thankful list.....
~ my husband being able to go back to work.....this is of particular thankfulness on my heart as we wait again to hear if there will be a government shutdown or not.

~ watching my big boy play a great basketball game. It was an away game (far away!), and I was glad to feel like making it. And he scored three points.

~ being home with my little guy this week. It was my first time since surgery to be all day with him alone. One day I got really tired and had to sit on the couch and rest. He was so big to play on the floor by himself and then sit by me on the couch and color while I rested.

~ warm house, blankets, coats, gloves for my cold fingers.

~ seeing some red birds flying around. They looked pretty against the brown trees.

~ and this is what I posted on FB....This week I am thankful for the hope we have in Jesus.  My mind cannot imagine the pain our friends are feeling after the sudden loss of their daughter. But I also know in the midst of their grief, pain, and hurt that they have hope. We know that someday we will see Lindsey again in Heaven.  I pray that they are comforted by the memories that are shared of their dear daughter.  Our words won't fix it or make it better, yet I pray that they will feel comfort knowing we are all joining together to help them carry this burden of grief as they walk this difficult path.

Have a day of blessings!


1 comment:

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I am praying for your friend. So sorry to hear about the loss of their daughter. I know we will have all the answers someday but for now I just can't stand how hard this life is here on earth.