It's been a long day and I feel so tired. But I think of my day and the week and am just so thankful.
This week I'm thankful for....
~ lunch dates with my husband and that he put up the groceries after he got off work.
~ seeing the ways my big boy interacts with his baby brother. He can always make Titus laugh, and it's so sweet to see!
~ having a fun shopping trip to the grocery store with my baby boy. He was so cute riding in the cart and liked talking to the people who talked to him.
~ this blog post....I have read it numerous times and loved that it was in my news feed today. Click here to see it.
~ the stories I've heard this week and experienced myself of nice things done for others....someone paying for supplies for a new teacher, people waving and being friendly (instead of hollering as happened last week!), people buying gifts for Toys for Tots.
~ making progress on my Christmas to do list.
Have a day of blessings!

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