Today as I think back over this year I'm thankful for...
~ my husband being my supporter and helper every day. He is my best friend, and his love has been such a strength to me this year.
~ my big boy as he became a big brother, finished intermediate school and moved into junior high. He has done so well with all of these changes.
~ the safe arrival of our baby boy. Things didn't go as we had planned as far as the location of the delivery but he got here safely. He is such a joy and we love having him as part of our family.
~ our family and their love and support. They've really helped us and blessed us in so many ways.
~ my health and the health of my husband and sons.
~ friendships that have lasted through the years. And time with my friends.
There are many other things for which I'm thankful. I look forward to the coming year. I usually make a list of goals for the year and haven't done that for next year yet.
Have a day of blessings!

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