Thursday, April 23, 2015

Thankful Thursday

I've thought of blog posts I'd like to do but haven't done. Instead I've been watching our sweet baby as he sleeps or when he's awake. He's so alert and like to look around.

This week I'm thankful for...

~ my husband being able to be off with us and the time he had saved up. He was able to return to work this week.

~ watching my big boy interact with his baby brother. He has changed diapers and read books and laid on the floor talking to him.  He likes to hold him after school and every morning before he leaves.

~ the sweet faces this baby boy makes. We just love to watch him and soak in all his cuteness.

~ my Mom being here to help us. She helped us so much with everything, and we were so glad to have her here. She fixed meals for us while she was here and added others to our freezer. She picked up Caleb from school, got up with me in the night when I fed Titus, did laundry, dishes, went to the store, on and on!

~ having irises in bloom in the yard. When I went to the doctor this week I saw them for the first time.

~ people bringing us meals.

Have a day of blessings!


Debby@Just Breathe said...

How sweet that your boys are bonding. Caleb is going to be a great Big Brother. So glad your husband is home and your mother is helping out.

Denise said...

Sweet blessings.