Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. This coming weekend is Palm Sunday, which marks the beginning of Holy Week. Do you celebrate Easter in your home? What was your favorite Easter tradition as a child?
Yes, we have always celebrated Easter.  In recent years we have attended a sunrise service at our church.  I have done various activities with Caleb through the years. Over the past few years he's done a scavenger hunt to find a few prizes, usually that weekend, not on Easter Sunday and not necessarily eggs with candy.  Last year we did a glow in the dark hunt for eggs with money.  I think we will do that again this year. We color eggs too.  On Sunday we go to church services as usual.

As a child we always colored eggs.  My Mom would always boil so many to dye.  We'd write on them with crayons too before we dyed them.

2. George Weinberg is quoted as saying, 'Hope never abandons you, you abandon it.' Agree or disagree? Share your own thoughts on the word hope. Yes I think a lot of people just give up and think there is no way out, no one cares, no hope.

This is a verse I like about hope from Romans 8:23--25  "Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption to sonship, the redemption of our bodies. 24 For in this hope we were saved. But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what they already have? 25 But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently."

3. Weigh in with a yay or nay on the traditional Easter candies. A solid milk chocolate bunny? Cadbury Creme Eggs? Peeps? Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs? Jellybeans? Coconut Cream Eggs? Of the candies listed, which one would you most like to find in your Easter basket?
I would give a big nay to Cadbury Creme Eggs, probably the Coconut ones too.  My Meemaw loved the Cadbury ones, and I'd get her a couple every year when I'd start seeing them in the stores. It always makes me think of her to see them. The rest I do like, particularly the flavor of Starburst Jelly Beans, not the other kinds really. I'd like to find Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs in my Easter basket.

4. When did you last feel 'like a kid in a candy store'? The first thing that came to mind is when I see stationary/note cards on sale. I have a big collection and just can't resist getting more when I see them on sale, like the $1.50 bins at Michael's marked down to $.50. :)

5. What's something you know you do differently than most people? Does that bother you? Does it bother other people?  One thing that came to mind (after reading Joyce's answer) was that I don't have a smart phone. My cell phone just makes calls, it doesn't text.  Some people find that odd that I don't have texting.  I have an iPad Mini I can use at home for texting and such and when we are traveling I use my husband's iPhone.  I just haven't felt the need to have a phone for it so haven't gotten one yet!

6. Palm Springs CA, Palm Beach FL, or the PALMetto State...of the three mentioned, which sunny spot would you most like to visit right now? Which have you visited at one time or another? I've never been to any of these.  I'll pick Florida as one I'd like to visit because I do hope to go to Florida someday.  I've not been to California either, but Florida is higher on my list.

7. If you could change the length of a day would you lengthen it or shorten it? Tell us why.  
What a question!  There are times in the past when I'd think it'd be nice to have a few more hours to get something finished but typically I am not like that. I am fine with how things are now.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

The baby appointment went well yesterday.  The doctor was laughing as she listened to baby's heart and was watching him or her kicking around in my stomach.  22 days!

Have a day of blessings!


Bobbi said...

Happy Hodgepodge! I have a few friends who also haven't gotten "newer" phones...I encourage them to put it off as long as possible...because once you get one you'll never escape...haha! We used the same scripture in our hope answer...neat!

Joyce said...

I do text because it's a great way to communicate with my daughters who live far from home. I love little texts from them in my week. It makes me feel more connected to their day to day lives. You're so close! I'm excited for you!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I don't think I will be doing any coloring of eggs this year but I will be making deviled eggs for Easter. Awesome, we will both have PB Eggs in our baskets! I've never liked Cadbury Eggs. I don't care for the soft center. Happy to hear about your good appointment. I can't wait......